Saturday, January 15, 2011

Minecraft mini-update.

The popularity of Minecraft doesn't seem to grow the same way that the creativity of the players does, when a new update is released. Not that Minecraft is hard-up for players, but I really think its a game that a lot of people who like open-world, sand-box type games should own. In the most recent of updates, several goodies were released:

New features:
* Note blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)
* 15 wool dyes
* A new water dwelling mob
* New tree types
* Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.
* A bunch of new crafting recipes
* One secret useful block
* One secret pretty block
* Cake

Since the game primarily uses blocks, "One secret useful block" and "One secret pretty block" may as well have been written in flaming letters with fireworks shooting across the screen the average Minecraft player- people were ready for something else. It didnt take long before the blocks were figured out, but it seems the big winner is the note block.

You could say it was a...huge success. (deal with it.)

Since I found that video last night, there have been many more to pop up with all sorts of variants: Mario Bros. theme, Tetris, self-made beats, even a Duke Nuke'em tune. I have to say, again, I'm impressed gang. 

The creativity doesn't stop there either- take a look at the story over at Kotaku. Awesome!

Though, one of my personal favorites is this:

The first time I watched this video, I was like: 
"Hmm, weird, that guys got his field of vision on way too high."
"Funny, it says 'Free Cake'"
"Wow, it really gives you a cake!"
"Well, thats an odd...WATISTHISIDONTEVEN"

The following explanation of how it works, (still don't fully understand how it works), left me just as surprised. 

I contend that Minecraft is one of the more creative games on the market today, and possibly in a very long time.

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