Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kinect continues to get more versatile; unintentionally sees ghosts.

I think I already stated in a previous post how the Kinect continues to become more and more interesting from a homebrew standpoint. I really love how people are taking an impressive piece of technology and making it their own- especially when the games licensed for it have been...lacking.

Truly, the move to make, for Microsoft, is to really take control of this interest in making the Kinect a conduit for innovation in interactive media and reward people/groups for it. In an age of "mobile/flexible-technological-everything", where people are able to get an app for whatever, or access information in almost any fashion...having the Kinect be apart of this revolution of interactive information would be key.

It would also be a great time to do that considering Sonys latest "community issues". Just sayin.

So whats prompting this pro-micro$oft propaganda? How about a great example of building upon the tech that the Kinect is using, to think outside the box:

(story from Popular Science.)

Ofcourse...theres always other intentions for these types of innovations. 

(NSFW, I guess- its more pitiful than offensive, imo)

But creating virtual music machines and interactive pr0n isn't all the Kinect tech is good for- apperantly is can be used to commune with the dead. Yeah, thats right. The fucking dead.

Picked up from Kotaku:
Okay, my sister was telling me about her friend who has a Kinect. One night recently she was playing it (not sure what game though) with her son and after some time the son ends up going to bed but the mom continues to play and at some point while she's playing the Kinect picks up on another body... When there is no one around but herself. Immediately she turns it off and goes to her bedroom.

I'll be perfectly honest here. I'm not a spiritual person in the sense that I think ghosts are:
     A) Still hanging around our homes, just chilling, waiting for us to do something stupid so they can correct us through creepy measures...or help us solve crimes.
     B) Hoping to play video games with us.

But I do have a sense of WTF when I'm by myself at the house and something weird happens- like if my kinect started to pickup something that wasn't my fatass.

I dunno. Craziness.

So what do you guys think about these homebrew hacks will amount to? What would you like to see in the way of interactivity

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