Friday, January 21, 2011


I still don't believe that Gearbox is working on this, and I still don't believe that it's coming out. Everyone has jokes, everyone has cuts and digs. The truth is, I don't think people really give a shit anymore- I think its all morbid curiosity.

But, according to Gameinformer, Randy Pitchford sez:

"...I cannot imagine any better video game news source team than Game Informer to reveal the moment of truth for the most inconceivable, incorrigible and inspiring turn around story in the history of the video game industry – the coming of Duke Nukem Forever on May 3, 2011."

May 3rd. 

welcome back, buddy.

Honestly, I hope that its good, but realistically I don't think that Gearbox has any stake in it, if the game is bad. If Duke Nuke'em Forever fails, if its terrible (which, theres a high level of FAILURE already associated with the IP), then Gearbox still stays golden. At this point, I don't know if I'd care if the rest of the game we haven't seen yet is just filled in Laura Croft: Angel of Darkness levels...I hope we can just get passed it and on to better Duke Nuke'em games.

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